A couple of days ago I was getting ready to leave my house when I had this thought, prompting or nudge (we all probably call it something different) to stop and read the scriptures. My first thought was, no, I can do that a little later. I had to gather a couple of things before I left and, being the stubborn soul that I am, I had a couple more nudges. After about the 5th or 6th one, I thought, fine! I will! (Actually, I'm pretty sure I said it out loud.)
I pulled out my ... ipad, opened up my scripture app (because that's what I do these days) and went to the bookmark in my scriptures - Luke 22. As I started reading where I had left off the day before, I had this feeling that there was a lesson for me to learn. Maybe something to teach me about following those nudges the first time I feel them. :) As I read along, I came to verses 8-13 and something kind of caught my eye and I reread and then reread these verses again. A little background to these verses, it is time for the Passover. Christ sends Peter and John to arrange for a place for them to meet and have the Passover. He tells them to enter the city and a man would meet them. They are to follow him to the house he enters. There they are to ask the "goodman of the house" where the guestchamber is, where Christ can eat the passover with his disciples. I've read this several times before, but this time I stopped, and instead of thinking about what was going to happen next, I paused and thought about the two men that Peter and John approached.
Did they receive nudges? Did the first man follow the prompting that he received to go to the entrance of the city, maybe not knowing why, but found that he was in the right place at the right time to guide Peter and John to the "goodman's" house? And, what about the "goodman"? Did he receive a nudge to perhaps go and clean his upper room and furnish it, not knowing who he was preparing it for, just knowing that he needed to follow the prompting? No questions asked?
Not a super profound thought, but, kind of. Most of the nudges, thoughts or promptings I receive aren't huge, life-changing or profound. Most of them are quite simple, don't take much effort and can be fulfilled in a matter of minutes. After I follow through, I feel a sense of fulfillment, satisfaction and peace.